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Sweating While Playing Badminton (Benefits, Prevention, And Treatments)

sweating while playing badminton

Badminton is one of the fastest sports in the world.

It allows you to perform quick and effective moves around the court.

Also, it raises the heat, and stress and hormonal shifts raise your body temperature, which can also cause you to sweat.

Sweating, even called perspiration, helps you release heat and maintain body temperature.

Your body can work best when its temperature is about 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit.

But when your body temperature rises, the hypothalamus (a small part of your brain) instructs your sweating glands to cool down your body.

There are two kinds of sweat glands in our body: eccrine and apocrine.

Eccrine glands are present over most of our body, which directly open on the surface of our skin.

These glands produce lightweight and odourless sweat.

The apocrine glands open into the hair follicle and are on your armpits, scalp, and face.

These glands produce a distinct odour.

Usually, sweat comprises 99% water and the remaining 1% salt and fat.

And today, here in this post, we will discuss some significant reasons behind body sweating while playing.

So let’s begin:

Why do a player sweat a lot while playing badminton?

Performing quick moves on cover the court increases the body temperature of a player.

So to cool down and release the heat, the body excretes sweat, which even helps prevent severe injuries.

Also, there could be some reasons that can cause more sweating while playing, like:

  • If you have a more extensive body, which has more body mass and generates more heat, it can make you sweat more.
  • Age also matters in this term because our sweat glands change with age, so our bodies cannot bear the heat.
  • Your health status also plays a significant role because hormonal fluctuations are often linked with increased internal body temperature.
  • Also, if you have a high muscle mass, it can produce more heat compared to body fat, which results in more sweating.

Other Factors that makes your body sweat

Our body usually sweats when you are:

  • Performing heavy warm-ups and exercises.
  • Playing in hot weather.
  • Suffering from fever.
  • Feeling anxious.
  • Anger and fear.
  • Overweight.
  • Or due to genetics.

Why does body sweat smell bad?

body odor

You might be wrong if you think your sweat has an odour.

Because our body sweat has no smell.

Yes, you heard it correctly.

Sweat has no smell at all.

And now you must be thinking, why does it smell sweet, sour, or tangy?

It is because of the bacteria that are present in your body.

And when you sweat, the salt, water, and the fat present in it mix with these bacteria, which make your sweat smell terrible.

Tips to get rid of this foul smell

  • Use antibacterial soaps while bathing.
  • Use deodorants that have a pleasant fragrance.
  • You can even take small injections of botulinum toxin in your armpits, which can block sweating temporarily.
  • Stay hygienic.
  • Or you can use some home remedies like the paste of baking soda or lemon juice on your armpits to stay away from odour.

Benefits of sweating

benefits of sweating

Take a look at these primary benefits of sweating:

  • Sweating helps to cool down your body while playing or warming up.
  • Prevents you from overheating.
  • Helps to maintain a healthy weight.
  • Boost your energy and immune system.
  • Improves mood swings.
  • Cures insomnia.
  • Detox your body.
  • Cleanse your body with bacteria.

Prevention for sweating

prevention for sweating

It does not require any treatment if you face an average sweating problem.

But if you face excessive sweating, then you can go through these points, which might help you:

  • Wear light layers of clothing while playing, allowing your skin to breathe.
  • If your body heats up while playing, remove your clothing layers.
  • Wipe or wash your face to remove the dried sweat from your face and body.
  • Drink water or fluids during the breaks to keep your body hydrated.
  • And if you want to stay away from bacterial and fungal diseases, then change out your sweaty clothes.
  • To control sweating and odor, you can even apply some deodorant.
  • Control your diet plan and avoid foods that increase your sweating.

Treatment for sweating

treatment of sweating

Now let me inform you about some sweating treatments:

  • Bath daily.
  • Use astringents and antiperspirants.
  • Opt for that footwear, which is made up of natural materials.
  • Change your socks and shoes very often.
  • Use breathable clothing accessories.
  • Try to relax your body during the breaks.

Different types of sweating problems:

Badminton players face two basic kinds of sweating problems:

  1. Anhidrosis.
  2. Hypohidrosis.
  3. Hyperhidrosis.


If a player is going through anhidrosis, he sweats too little, which is very common among the players.

It affects only one or two parts of your body.

But sometimes, anhidrosis may result in life-threatening overheating and can be harmful.

It can even cause severe burns, dehydration, and skin disorders.

So you need to be careful if you face anhidrosis symptoms.

And go for its treatment, which I have already mentioned below.

Causes of anhidrosis
  • Trauma to the hypothalamus, which controls the sweating glands.
  • Skin damage through burns, radiation therapy, or any pore logging disease.
  • Ross syndrome (a disorder that affects the pupil of the eye).
  • Severe dehydration.
  • Nerve damage is caused by diabetes, alcoholism, or Guillain-barre syndrome.
  • Alcohol abuse, for a longer duration, can lead to alcoholic neuropathy.
  • Sjogren’s syndrome (a chronic disorder of the immune system).
Symptoms of anhidrosis
  • Dizziness.
  • Weakness.
  • Muscle cramps.
  • Flushing (a part of the body turning red).
  • Lack of sweating or no sweating at all after your body heats up.
  • Sensitivity to raised temperatures due to an inability to cool down.
Treatment of anhidrosis
  • Drink water and stay hydrated.
  • Stay in a cooler place.
  • Take a cool shower.
  • Apply cool compresses.
  • Opt for breathable and light colour clothes.


Hypohidrosis is a condition where a player sweats too little than usual or not at all.

It is caused due to poorly functioning sweat glands.

And this affects the body in cooling down and reduces sweating.

In hypohidrosis, the symptoms and suffering are less severe than in anhidrosis.

But in some conditions, the sweating can be excessive, and that condition is called hyperhidrosis, which I will explain to you below.

Causes of hypohidrosis
  • Ross syndrome.
  • Diabetes.
  • Alcoholism.
  • Dehydration.
  • Multiple system atrophy.
  • Amyloidosis.
  • Sjogren Syndrome.
  • Small cell lung cancer.
  • Skin infection or inflammation.
Symptoms of hypohidrosis
  • Dizziness.
  • Feeling unduly hot.
  • Redness over the body parts.
  • Minimum sweating.
  • Weakness.
  • Dry skin.
  • Laboured breathing.
Treatment of hypohidrosis
  • Take a regular cool shower.
  • Avoiding drugs.
  • Limit your exercises and activities that raise your body temperature.
  • Stay in a well-ventilated environment.
  • Use a mist humidifier indoors.
  • Apply damp flannels to the skin.


Hyperhidrosis is when your body’s sweat glands release excessive sweat, which is more inflated than normal.

It could be due to climatic conditions or performing excessive exercise.

Rather than this, hyperhidrosis is of two types:

Focal Hyperhidrosis- It is a kind of chronic type of skin disorder that can be genetically or you can inherit from your family members.

Such a condition is also known as primary hyperhidrosis.

It usually affects your armpits, feet, head, and hands.

A person can face such a condition early, before age 25.

Generalized Hyperhidrosis- Such type of hyperhidrosis is caused due to some medical problems or health issues.

Diseases like diabetes and Parkinsonparkinson’s can cause more sweating than normal.

And medicines like naproxen (Aleve) and zinc supplements (Cold-Eeze)can also cause extra sweating and side effects.

This condition is also known as secondary hyperhidrosis and usually occurs in adults.

Causes of hyperhidrosis
  • Diabetes.
  • Excessive heat, humidity, and exercise.
  • Severe psychological stress.
  • Emotional stress and anxiety.
  • Menopause hot flashes.
  • Due to thyroid problems.
  • Low blood sugar.
  • Cancer.
  • Heart disease.
  • Body infections.
  • Nervous system disorders.
Symptoms of hyperhidrosis
  • When you sweat more than normal.
  • Excessive sweating while sweating.
  • Wet arms and back.
  • Itching and inflammation in the affected area.
  • Body odour.
  • Changes in skin colour.
Treatment of hyperhidrosis


Hyperhidrosis can not be cured but can be prevented temporarily, for which you can consult your dermatologist, or you can even opt for the treatments mentioned below:

  • Wear clothes made up of natural materials and fabrics while working out.
  • Apply prescription creams.
  • Take botulinum toxin injections.
  • Often take a shower.
  • Use aluminium-based antiperspirants, which will help in sealing the sweat glands.
  • Carry graded wipe cloth along.
  • Go through microwave therapy, which emits thermal energy and helps to destroy your sweating glands permanently.
  • Or else go for surgery.

Final Words

A player mostly faces such kinds of problems when it comes to playing badminton on the court.

And I hope this post will help you find out what kind of problem you are going through and how to prevent and treat it.

But if the symptoms are severe and can not be prevented, I suggest you consult your dermatologist as soon as possible.

And in case you have any doubts or questions regarding this post, feel free to ask us or pin it up n the comment section below.

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