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Home » Different Types of Shots in Badminton (With Live Examples)

Different Types of Shots in Badminton (With Live Examples)

types of badminton shots

Badminton looks like an easy and few-smashes game.

But knowing how many shots you can play will amaze you.

According to my experience, you should start mastering them one by one.

You must play one at least a thousand times to perfect it and find a shot that you can play better than anyone, and I bet it will help you win most of the rallies.

If you master some of them, no one can stop you from handling any situation while facing your opponent and winning the game.

So I’m going to explain to you some of the most played strokes, which can help you enhance your game and skills.

Now let’s begin.

Different Kinds of Badminton Shots played on a Court

There are 7 types of shots which include clear, smash, drop, drive, serve, lift, and defense.

Each plays a significant role and has its advantage and disadvantage.

It would help if you learned when and where to use them to win the rally.

As most professionals say, this sport is about filling in the blanks, which refers to placing the shuttle where you see the space on the opponent’s court.

Clear Shot

Clear is a high overhand shot played with the forehand gripping technique, where the player tries to hit the shuttle from his court to the opponent’s rare end court.

It is very commonly performed by the players, which you must learn in the beginning before learning any other.

If you learn to perform it adequately, no one can stop you from improving your game.

You must indulge more pressure and power while performing it, especially as a beginner.

Warning: Indulging extra pressure on your wrist while performing a clear shot can even lead you to face a wrist injury.

And in case you want to know more about clear, then you need to check out this video:

Types of Clear Shots

There are two basic clear shots:

Forehand Clear

If you want to push your opponent to the backcourt, you can perform or play this specific shot.

It helps create a space in the mid and frontcourt that won’t allow the opponent to reach his base position in time and can even help you win a rally.

Check out the video below if you want to learn the clear forehand technique more effectively:

Backhand Clear

Backhand clear is one of the toughest badminton shots that everyone wants to learn and perform.

This shot is performed by a player to hit the shuttle from his court to his opponent’s rare court, which will help you to reset the rally.

You also need to be very careful about the gripping technique while performing this shot.

So therefore, a beveled grip is used while hitting backhand clear, which allows you to generate more power and perform more rational moves.

Rather than this, you should keep your elbow high and then stretch your arm to hit the shuttle.

Also, you must be careful about your footwork and body swing to prevent injuries.

Check out the video below if you want to learn and perform one of the toughest shots effectively:


Smash is one of the best offensive and fastest shots, usually performed when the shuttle lands in the middle of the court.

It is played downwards and straight with full energy and power.

The main aim of performing this attacking shot is to pressurize your opponent, enabling the chances of winning more rallies.

Check out the video below to know how a smash is performed:

Types of Smash

Forehand Smash

A forehand smash is one of the overhead badminton shots, which the player performs downwards by indulging all his energy and power.

According to my gaming experience, performing it is like throwing a cricket ball straight with effective power.

And in case you are learning this shot, then you can also apply this technique.

You must be thinking that what’s the relation between a smash and throwing a cricket ball?

So to clear your doubt, you can try this technique once and check whether it works or not.

In case you are willing to perform this powerful shot, then check out this video and learn how to master it:

Backhand Smash

A backhand smash is one of the classic and tough shots.

It is performed using your backhand gripping technique from the non-racket side of your body, where you try to drive pressure on your opponent and lead him to the backcourt.

To perform it precisely, you must be well aware of your opponent’s weak points, for which you need to observe his game, wait for the right consequence, and go for this shot.

I recommend you watch this video before practicing or performing a backhand smash.

As it will help you to know the basic technique of performing it:

Drop Shot 

The drop is also one of the basic shots, which allows you to force your opponent to move towards the front court.

You can even perform a slow drop or a fast drop.

The slow drop allows you to land the shuttle as close to the net so that your opponent will have a very short time to respond and return the shuttlecock.

And the fast drop allows you to land the shuttle to the mid-court sides.

I used to play it against my opponent, which creates some space between his mid and backcourt, and it won’t allow him to perform the next shot in the rally.

And You should always perform a drop shot according to your gaming situation and preference.

And if you want to know more about it, watch the video given below:

Types of Drop Shot

Forehand Drop 

The main objective of playing a forehand drop is to land the shuttle near the net and bring your opponent to the frontcourt.

It will allow you to win a rally or create a space between the mid-court and backcourt.

And to play it, you need to hold the racket with the help of the forehand gripping technique, stand sideways, bring your body weight to your back foot, bend your elbow and lock your wrist, then hit the shuttle with the highest point of your racket, which will help you in landing the shuttle near to the net in opponent’s court.

Check out the video given below:

Backhand Drop 

It is not counted as an offensive shot but is one of the recovery shots.

A backhand drop is played from your backcourt while using the backhand gripping technique.

It holds a downward trajectory and enables the shuttle to land on the opponent’s front court.

It is slightly difficult to perform and should not be your first option.

Therefore you should try to go for a forehand drop before thinking about it.

If you want to master backhand drop, then you need to check out this video:

Drive Shot 

Are you looking for a crafty and cunning shot?

Then here’s the one, also known as the drive, played on a horizontal or a bit downward path and down the court’s sidelines.

You can also say that it is one of the safe ones, which can force your opponent to hit an upward return, which gives you a chance to attack and win a rally.

Check out this video and know how one can perform a drive effectively:

Types of Drive shots

Forehand Drive

The forehand drive is one of the attacking and offensive shots.

It is played from the sides of the court using the forehand gripping technique.

As it force your opponent to respond with a high shuttle lift, which allows you to return it with a quick and powerful smash.

In case you need an example of a forehand drive, then check out the video given below:

Backhand Drive 

The backhand drive is slightly similar to the forehand drive.

But there are some differences like it is performed using the backhand gripping technique instead of the forehand gripping technique, where you need to swing your racket backward using your palm, which must be facing downwards so that you can gently finish the stroke.

According to my perspective, I think the backhand drive is just opposite the forehand drive.

What do you think about it? Let me know below in the comment section.

And if you want to see how it is performed, then click on the video below:


Before starting a match, a toss is made, and the winning side gets the chance to choose a side or serve first; that all depends on you and your preference.

Serve, or service, is that one shot played before starting a rally, using an underarm hitting action because it should always be performed upwards.

There are two basic rules of serving that you need to keep in mind while serving, which instruct you to keep the shuttle below your waist while hitting it and starting a rally.

Warning: Remember while serving, you should not touch the lines and boundaries.

So, now I think you must have well-known about how to perform a service ideally.

Types of Serves 

There are four types of service performed:

Low Serve

In low serve, the player performs a shot using the forehand gripping technique and tries to move the shuttle cross-court over the net and land it near the short service line on the opponent’s court.

 It does not allow your opponent to respond quickly.

And that’s the reason behind also calling it a short serve.

Also, check out the video given below:

High Serve

If you are passionate about this sport and play it regularly, then you must be well aware that this kind of service is performed while playing singles.

The main objective behind performing this service is to push your opponent to his rare backcourt, which he cannot recover in time, giving you a plus point.

Therefore it is also known as long serve.

And in case you find it difficult to perform a high serve, then check out the video given below:

Forehand Serve

Forehand serves one of the common and basic serves.

It is performed using the forehand gripping technique and is slightly similar to other serves.

While performing a forehand serve, hold the racket using a forehand grip comfortably and stay two meters away from the net while serving. Keep the racket and shuttle below your waistline, and then gently hit the shuttle with the lightest point of your racket.

And in case you want to improve and master this skill, you need to practice it effectively.

Check out the video:

Backhand Serve

Backhand serve is performed using the backhand gripping technique and from the front of the body.

It enables the shuttle to travel a short distance, so the opponent gets very little time to react to this serve.

And to perform this service, a player needs to put all his weight on his back foot and shift towards the front foot.

It helps generate momentum, and a consistent flow for better backhand serve.

Also, let me inform you that such kind of service requires gentle flicking motion, trajectory, and speed, making this service more effective.

The video given below will help you to know how to use a backhand gripping technique effectively:


The lift shot is one of the excellent defensive badminton shots played to clear all shots near the net area.

It is played from your frontcourt to the opponent’s backcourt, and the main motive behind playing it is to land the shuttle near the opponent court’s baseline.

And do you know why the lift is played?

A lift is played when you are under pressure or left with no other option.

It helps you recover and get back to your base position in time.

Advantage: Performing a lift can force your opponent to respond with a bad shot that you can take advantage of.

Are you looking for an example? If yes, then check out the video below:

Types of Lift 

Forehand Lift 

The forehand lift is one of the common defensive shots.

It is played using the forehand gripping technique and wrist movement to land the shuttle in the opponent’s rare court from your frontcourt.

It is performed by both doubles and singles players, which helps them reset the rally and recover in time.

Check out the video below:

Backhand Lift 

The backhand lift is one of the offensive and underarm clear.

It is performed using wrist movement by the player from the net area, and he tries to hit the shuttle to the opponent’s rare court.

The main motive behind performing it is to indulge more pressure on the opponent so that he cannot respond quickly, and the player gets enough time to recover and come to his baseline.

Check out the video below to understand it better:


A defensive shot is like when you try to return your opponent’s smash with a simple stroke.

It would be best if you played this shot from below your waistline.

In simple words, we can say that defense can be referred to as tackling and blocking all those offensive moves that your opponent plays against you without losing a rally.

Types of Defense Shots

Forehand Defensive shots

They are played using the forehand gripping technique.

It allows you to perform some defensive badminton moves like a net shot, lifts, and straight or flat, according to your situation, which can even help you recover in time.

I will recommend you go through the video given below so that you can understand and then perform it more effectively:

Backhand Defensive Shots

They are performed using the backhand gripping technique.

It allows you to play some defensive net shots, lift, and flat, so you can handle any complicated situation easily and which even helps you to reset the rally and recover in time.

Check out the video below, as it will help you to know more about them:

Other Advanced Shots

Slice Drop

The slice drop is one of the offensive strokes.

You hit the shuttle in a slicing motion from the backcourt to the opponent’s frontcourt near the service line.

It is also known as a deceptive shot, played to confuse the opponent, where you fully rotate your racket, but instead of hitting the shuttle directly, you slice the shuttle and end up with a drop.

A player can play slice drop in two different directions:

  • Straight Slice Drop.
  • Cross Slice Drop.
Types of Slice Drop

There are two types of slice drop:

Basic Slice Drop 

A basic slice drop refers to a shot where the shuttle travels in the same direction where you swing the racket.

If you swing your racket forward, the shuttle will travel straight, and if you face the racket’s angle slightly to the right, the shuttle will travel to the right side of the court.

The main motive behind performing it is to deceive your opponent and keep him out of his position.

Remember: To perform this badminton shot accurately and effectively, all you need is good controlling skills and perfect power.

Also, check out the video given below:

Reverse Slice Drop

The reverse slice drop is also one of the well-known advanced drops and deceptive shots, enhancing your skills to the next level.

Slice drop is played from your forehand corner, where you try to hit the shuttle straight.

And can also be played from your backhand corner, where the player tries to slice the shuttle outwards using his racket, which helps the shuttle move diagonally.

Also, check out the video given below:

Half Smash

Half smash is one of the most effective smashes, where you need to indulge half of your strength and power in hitting the shuttle, and it can be played from any part of the badminton court.

It is performed when the opponent is out of his position and confusing him, providing sufficient time to prepare for the next move.

If you want to master this smash, check out the video given below because sometimes it can help you win a rally easily.

Stick Smash

Stick smash is quite hard to learn and master, performed using the forehand gripping technique.

It is not as powerful as a full smash but is not also soft as a drop.

You can perform a stick smash while performing two movements, where all you need to do is rotate your forearm fully, tighten your forehand grip, and then try to hit the shuttle.

Doing this will not only indulge more power in the shot but will also make it more effective.

And if you want to know how a stick smash is played, then check out the video given below:

Slice Smash

Slice smash is where the shuttle is hit or sliced at a certain angle, which allows it to change its trajectory and land inside the corners of the opponent’s court and at a sharp angle.

It is also considered a fast cross-court drop, which requires a lot of energy and speed.

Remember: If you play it effectively, it can help you to confuse them and keep them out of balance.

Also, check out the video given below:

Net Kill 

Net kill is one of the prime strokes, where the player hits the shuttle downwards in the opponent’s net area.

A net kill is played when you receive a weak net shot from your opponent, where the shuttle flies high across the net.

And at that moment, you can arise and perform an effective net kill shot.

Rather than this, you also need to know that a net kill is not a smash, as many badminton players get confused between these two.

Net kill requires a lot of power and is performed very fast, whereas smash is performed slowly, and here you get a lot of preloading time.

Also, check out the video given below:

Net Brush 

The net brush is one of the offensive shots.

It is performed by a player from the frontcourt, where he tries to land the shuttle and move his opponent towards the center part of his court.

Here the shuttle travels straight or holds a downwards trajectory.

Also, check out the video given below:

Types of Net Brush 

There are two types of net brush performed:

Net Flat Brush 

A net flat brush is a kind of defensive badminton shot.

It is performed when you try to hit the shuttle just below or at the net level.

And the main aim behind performing i is to win a rally, especially when your opponent is out of position.

Net Offensive Brush 

As mentioned in the title, it is one of the offensive brushes.

The main aim behind performing it is to avoid faults and win the rally.

Deception Trick Shot

The deception trick shot is very interesting.

It is performed by the players to confuse and trick their opponents.

Playing a perfect deceptive move can confuse your opponent, and it would be hard for him to read the outcome of your strokes and body movements.

I have applied this trick to my opponents, which helped me win rallies easily.

But in the beginning, I faced many difficulties while performing such strokes, for which I practiced a lot, and today I have mastered it.

And if you want to feel the same, then the same rule applies to you, too, for which you also need to practice these shots to get masters in it.

Rather than this, if you want to learn some more deceptive trick shots, then you need to check out the video given below:

Final Words

So if you want to improve your game and skills, you must master these badminton shots.

And this post helped you gain much theoretical knowledge.

So now it’s your turn to go and practice these strokes on the court.

And in case you have any queries or questions going on in your mind regarding this post or these shots.

Then feel free to ask us or pin up your questions in the comment section below.

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