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Home » How to Wrap a Badminton Racket? A complete Guide

How to Wrap a Badminton Racket? A complete Guide

How to wrap a badminton racket?

Before entering the court, you must make sure your badminton rackets have pleasant grip material and high quality, as a bad grip can cause the racket to slip out of your hand, leading to poor shots. At the same time, a firm grip is crucial for generating power and maintaining control. And every wrap material eventually has to be replaced with time.

Wrapping a badminton racquet is a simple procedure. But if you aren’t careful, you might make a few errors. You are left with a badly constructed wrap in the end.

As a result, mastering the proper badminton racket wrapping techniques is essential. Maintaining a badminton racket’s comfort in the hands is an important step.

Therefore, in this article, we will discuss how to wrap a badminton racket, step by step, which will help you to achieve the ideal level of grip and comfort while playing and performing powerful shots.

So let’s dive in:

Steps to wrap a badminton racket

Let’s begin with:

Step 1: Choose the right wrapping material

Selecting your favorite grip type is the most crucial choice you need to make when changing the grip on your badminton racket. There are many different grips on the market, so choosing one that best fits your playing style and skills.

Three common types of badminton grips includes:

  • Rubber Grip

The rubber grip is one of the most commonly used grips by players, as these grips come alone and are attached to the racket, but these grips could be more robust and durable. These grips are usually made up of polyurethane and synthetic materials.

Rubber Grip

Utilizing a rubber or PU grip is a comfortable option for people who desire a little extra softness or springiness without applying numerous overlapping layers.

These grips are also manufactured with a sticky side for simple application and long-lasting use. The drawback of utilizing a rubber or PU grip is that if your hand tends to sweat a lot and you frequently play in humid situations, these materials might get slick and slippery, decreasing their tactility.

  • Over Grip

Overgrips are thinner and stretchy than other grips, and these grips are placed over different grips. These can be quickly wrapped around multiple times to increase the thickness of the shaft according to your comfort. Also, these grips are easy to wear and tear.

Over Grip

Rather than this, overgrips feature the highest degree of customizability due to their extraordinary thinness and range of color options. With this, you may gradually increase the feel of your grasp until you discover it, instead of the alternatives, resulting in a large thickness after just one overlap.

So, use a layer of sponge wrap underneath for results resembling a rubber or PU grip if you want more cushion but don’t want to waste roll after roll of overgrip to get it.

  • Towel Grip

Towel grips are made up of cotton and other synthetic absorbent fibers. These grips are very soft and best for those who face the problem of sweaty palms, as they help to absorb the sweat and give you a great hold while performing quick and frequent shots.

Some players use this grip on a certain racket, while others use it occasionally when they expect sweaty hands and then take it off afterward.

Towel Grip

This grip type is the most cushioned and absorbent alternative, making it the best choice for anyone who values these features regardless of when and how frequently they use it.

The thickness and roughness of this grip can be challenging for certain people, which is a drawback. Due to the material’s great absorption capacity, it can quickly become dirty and odorous when neglected for a lengthy period.

Also, remember that you should replace this grip periodically to avoid strong racket scents.

Step 2: Unravel the new wrap material

Unravel the new wrap material

After choosing an ideal grip, you need to remove the tape (sticker) holding the wrap material together. Then, make it straight. You’ll have it easy after that. The tape contains the brand name of the wrap. You’ll need it later, so keep it safe.

Step 3: Lay the wrap at the base of the racket

Lay the wrap at the base of the racket

While laying the wrap, start from the bottom (where the butt cap is) and up the handle. Hold the badminton racket with the head facing backward as a result. You might have the handle protruding in front of you in this manner.

Step 4: Remove the plastic seal from the new grip

Remove the plastic seal from the new grip

The sticky part of racket wrap is often sealed with a piece of plastic. So, remove the plastic covering with care. If you don’t remove it, the wrap won’t adhere to one another.

Step 5: Identify the sharp end of the wrap

Identify the sharp end of the wrap

The racket cover often has two distinct sides. One side is sharp, and the other is square-like in shape. Take hold of the pointed end and hold it at an angle at the base of the racket.

In this manner, it will be able to keep a tight hold. And once you’ve finished wrapping, you’ll finish with the tape featuring the company’s logo.

Place your hands on the flat, square edge of the tape at the foot of the racket if you prefer not to use the video bearing the company’s trademark. You can then complete using the pointed end in this manner.

Step 6: Let the wrap overlay adequately

Let the wrap overlay adequately

Let each layer of wrapping material overlap the one before it by a few millimeters as you apply it to the racket. It will keep it from falling apart once you’re done.

Make sure the overlap is always the same width, though. By doing this, you’ll create a unified appearance.

Step 7: Keep the wrap tight

Keep the wrap tight

Stretch the wrap material slightly as you spread it out. The modest strain strengthens its grip on the handle. If not, it will start to unfasten itself right away.

Step 8: Cut the wrap at an angle

Cut the wrap at an angle

Once you reach the far end where the handle joins the shaft, you must terminate the wrap. So, cut the wrap at an angle that leaves behind a sharp lot. Then, continue wrapping to the pointed tip.

Step 9: Terminate with the sticker

Terminate with the sticker

Take hold of the adhesive tape you earlier cut off. After that, place it on the wrap you have just completed distributing. It offers proper termination and makes your wrap’s brand known.

Also read: How to clean a badminton racket?

Final Words

So, you may have noticed that wrapping a badminton racket is more complicated, but you can get the hang of it with practice. After adding the grip, please take a few practice swings to make sure it feels comfortable in your hand.

If you need help, you can always make adjustments until it does. Knowing how to hold a badminton racket will allow you to swiftly switch out your previous grip and return to the court.

And in case you face any problems or are there any questions going on in your mind regarding this post, then feel free to ask us or pin it up in the comment section below.

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