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Badminton Core Exercises: Importance and Benefits

Importance and benefits of badminton core exercises

Many believe that core exercises only goal is to obtain a six-pack. But also core workouts are crucial to badminton training because they improve movement efficiency and power while reducing injuries.

Badminton is a physically demanding sport that requires a strong core, which is why this article will explain why it is a crucial part of the sport. We also provide you with exercises designed specifically for this racket sport so that you can develop a stronger core.

Also we will discuss some of the best and effective core exercises with their benefits.

So let’s begin:

Why you need to develope your core muscles for badminton?

A strong core is important for badminton because it helps to:

1. Better lunging

Firstly, keep your core tight when lunging at the net, as it will keep your upper body and trunk from collapsing. Or else you will have less control over your body and racket if your upper body collapses while you play the shot. It will allow you to play powerful shots on the court.

You can maintain your upright position since you have better control over your body. It will also enable you to keep track of the shuttle and your opponent’s location, giving you the best chance to play a quality shot.


Secondly, if you pass out while taking the shot, your recovery will be slower and worse. Even if you can make a high-caliber shot, your recovery time will be adversely affected, and you won’t be in the best possible position on the court. Again, this increases the likelihood that you will lose the rally.

2. Performing powerful attacking shots

Another essential aspect of badminton athleticism is oblique strength. Your obliques work to create rotation in your trunk when you raise your racket in preparation for an overhead shot.

When you make the shot (a smash, drop, or clear), your core must then produce the rotational power. A stronger shot will result from using your core to generate greater force.

performing attacking shots

And to maximize this rotational power, it’s crucial to remember that your core must activate simultaneously with other parts of your body. Your hips, shoulders, and forearm should all be coordinated to generate the most force.

Last, your core gives you stability when you are unbalanced. It will be useful if you must recover quickly after playing your shot and run late to the backcourt.

3.  Prevent injuries

Lower back pain and bad posture might result from a weak core. Your lower back must work harder when your core isn’t strong enough to support your spine during badminton. As a result, your lower back will be under more tension, which could result in damage.

prevent injuries

In addition, some of the largest muscles in the body are found in the abdomen. As we just discussed, engaging your core to produce rotational power will significantly increase the power of your overhead shots.

If your core is weak, your body will attempt to create some power from other places, such as your back.
As a result, these areas will be under higher stress and become more prone to damage.

Also read: Weight training for badminton players.

Best core exercises for badminton

Here are some of the effective core exercises that will help you to improve your performance on-court:

1. Plank shoulder taps

Plank shoulder tap exercises are a great way to strengthen your core, improve shoulder stability, and enhance overall body control. They can be incorporated into your regular workout routine or used as a circuit training session for a more challenging full-body workout.

How to perform plank shoulder taps?

  • Get into the plank position by placing your hands under your shoulders and extending your legs wide behind you, resting on your toes. 
  • Engage your core muscles by drawing your navel toward your spine and squeezing your glutes.
  • Once stable in the plank position, lift your right hand off the ground and tap your left shoulder with your right hand. Try to keep your hips and torso as steady as possible. 
  • Then return to your starting position and repeat the same with your left hand by tapping the right shoulder.
  • Continue alternating shoulder taps and maintain a strong and stable plank position throughout the exercise.
  • Perform the desired number of repetitions according to your fitness level.

Benefits of performing plank shoulder taps

  • Reduce lower back pain.
  • Helps to improve flexibility and body posture.
  • It improves your stability and coordination.
  • Also, strengthen your core, glutes, arm, shoulders, and wrist muscles.

To learn more, click on the video below:

2. Double leg lowers

Double leg lowers, also known as double leg lowers or straight leg lowers, are effective exercises for targeting your lower abdominal muscles and strengthening your core.

Also, this exercise helps to improve poor abdominal muscle strength and poor posture, which leads to lower back pain.

How to perform double leg lowers?

  • Lie flat on your back on an exercise mat or a comfortable surface. Extend your legs straight up toward the ceiling, perpendicular to the floor. Place your arms by your sides, palms facing down, for added stability.
  • Draw your navel toward your spine to engage your core muscles. It will help stabilize your lower back and maintain proper form throughout the exercise.
  • While keeping your core engaged, slowly lower both legs toward the ground. Control the movement and avoid arching your lower back or lifting your hips.
  • Lower your legs as far as possible while maintaining control without letting your lower back lift off the ground. Your legs can go as close to the ground as possible without sacrificing proper form.
  • Engaging your lower abdominals, slowly raise your legs back up to the starting position, bringing them perpendicular to the floor.
  • Repeat the lowering and raising movement for the desired number of repetitions or time duration. Aim for a smooth and controlled motion throughout the exercise.

Benefits of performing double leg lowers

  • Help strengthen your core.
  • Enhance lower abdominal definition.
  • Improve stability.
  • Boost overall body control.

To learn more, click on the video below:

3. Russian twist

The Russian twist is a popular exercise that targets your core, particularly the oblique muscles. It involves rotational movements, engaging multiple muscle groups in your abdomen, lower back, and hips.

How to perform russian twist?

  • Sit on the floor with your knees bent and your feet flat. Lean back slightly while maintaining a straight posture. Engage your core by drawing your navel toward your spine.
  • Extend your arms straight before you, interlace your fingers, or clasp your hands together.
  • Begin by twisting your torso to the right side, bringing your hands and arms along. Exhale as you twist.
  • Slowly return to the center position while maintaining control. Keep your core engaged throughout the movement.
  • Repeat the twisting motion, this time to the left side. Inhale as you twist.
  • Gradually increase the range of motion as you become more comfortable and stronger. You can touch the ground with your hands on each side or rotate as far as you comfortably can without straining your back or compromising your form.
  • Aim for a specific number of repetitions or time duration that suits your fitness level.

Benefits of performing russian twist

  • Strengthen your core.
  • Burns extra calories.
  • Improves rotational stability.
  • Improves spinal Mobility and Flexibility
  • Also improves your balance and coordination.

To learn more, click on the video below:

4. V-sits

V-sits are a challenging core exercise that targets multiple abdominal muscles, including the rectus abdominis, obliques, and hip flexors. They involve lifting your upper body and legs simultaneously, forming a “V” shape with your body.

How to perform V-sits?

  • Sit on the floor with your legs extended in front of you. Keep your feet together and your toes pointed upward. Place your hands by your sides, slightly behind your hips, with your fingers pointing toward your feet.
  • Draw your navel toward your spine to engage your core muscles. It will help stabilize your torso throughout the exercise.
  • Slightly lift your legs and upper body off the ground while balancing on your sitting bones. Keep your legs and torso straight as you lift, forming a “V” shape with your body.
  • Extend your arms straight forward, parallel to the floor. Reach toward your feet as you hold the V-sit position. Imagine lengthening your body and reaching with your fingertips.
  • Focus on maintaining balance and stability in the V-sit position. Keep your core engaged, your back straight, and your chest lifted. Avoid rounding your shoulders or collapsing your spine.
  • You can hold the V-sit position for a specific duration, such as 10–30 seconds, or perform small pulses by slightly lowering and raising your legs and upper body while maintaining the V shape.
  • Lower your legs and upper body back down to the starting position in a controlled manner, avoiding sudden drops or jerky movements.
  • Repeat the movement for the desired number of repetitions or duration.

Benefits of performing V-sits

  • Help to build better core strength.
  • Improves abdominal strength.
  • Enhance overall body stability and balance.

To learn more, click on the video below:

5. Side plank rotation

Side plank rotation effectively strengthens your core, obliques, and shoulders while improving rotational stability and control.

Add it to your daily core workout routine, or use it as a full-body circuit training session. And increase the number of repetitions or difficulty as you become stronger and more comfortable with the movement.

How to perform side plank rotation?

  • Begin by lying on your side with your legs extended and stacked on each other. Position your elbow directly under your shoulder, resting your forearm on the ground. Align your body to form a straight line from head to heels.
  • Draw your navel toward your spine and engage your core muscles to stabilize your body.
  • Push through your forearm and lift your hips into a side plank position. Your body should be straight from head to toe, with your elbow under your shoulder.
  • Extend your opposite arm straight up toward the ceiling. It is your starting position.
  • From the side plank position, rotate your torso and reach your extended arm underneath your body, aiming to touch the floor or mat on the opposite side. Keep your core engaged and maintain stability in your hips and lower body.
  • Rotate your upper body back to the starting position, extending your arm straight toward the ceiling again.
  • After completing the desired number of repetitions, transition to the other side and perform the same movement, lifting into a side plank with your opposite forearm on the ground and rotating your upper body.

Benefits of performing side plank rotation

  • Strengthen your core and shoulder muscles.
  • Improves your rotational stability and control.
  • Also, strengthen your glutes and abs.

To learn more, click on the video below:

Final words

Core exercises such as the plank with shoulder taps, double leg lowers, Russian twists, and side plank rotations offer numerous benefits for your overall fitness and core strength. These exercises target various muscles in your abdomen, including the rectus abdominis, obliques, and deeper core stabilizers.

Rather than this, consistency and patience are key to improving your core strength and overall fitness. And always consult with a qualified fitness professional if you have any specific concerns or medical conditions before incorporating these exercises into your routine.

And in case you face any problems or have any questions going through your mind, feel free to ask us or pin them up in the comment section below.

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