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Top 10 Home Exercises For Badminton Players

Top 10 Home Exercises For Badminton Players

Badminton is the fastest racket sport in the world, requiring a lot of endurance, speed, strength, and agility. And a badminton player must always stay fit and active, but to do so, he doesn’t always need a gym or an open ground to train himself.

There are several ways that a player can exercise at home, even if they don’t have a court near them or a partner to practice with. A player can get an amazing workout at home, just as good as what you perform on the court or gym.

And today, here in this article, we will discuss some effective exercises that a player can perform at home without using costly equipment. These exercises provide an amazing workout and help the player stay fit, healthy, and active.

So let’s dive in and learn more about these exercises.

Best Home Exercises For Badminton Players

Let’s begin with:

1. Burpees

Burpee is a calisthenics exercise that helps enhance muscle strength and endurance in both your upper and lower body and the core.

It is also great for targeting your anaerobic fitness because performing this exercise requires rapid energy. Also, it helps improve your balance and coordination while playing on the court.

Benefits of performing burpees

  • Improves flexibility.
  • Burn calories and extra fat.
  • Gives you a full-body workout.
  • Improves coordination and agility.
  • Improves your cardiovascular endurance.
  • Helps to improve your balance, control, and posture.

Steps to perform a burpee

  • Begin with the squat position with your feet wide open according to your shoulder’s length. Keep your back and arms straight.
  • Lower your hands to the floor in front of you.
  • Kick your feet back so you are in a plank position with your arms extended.
  • Then lower your thighs in a push-up motion to the ground.
  • Lift your chest and thighs off the ground by performing a push-up with your arms.
  • Perform a jump and stand in your original squatting position.
  • Then stand and move your arms over your head.
  • Jump quickly into the air so you land back where you started. As soon as you land with your knees bent, get into a squat position and do another repetition.

Click on the video below and learn how to perform a burpee:

2. Skipping (Jump Rope)

Skipping is a great cardio, anaerobic exercise, which helps ton your body muscles like calves and glutes. Also, it helps strengthen your core muscles and improve your lung capacity.

You only require a rope and an open space to perform skipping; it could be your living room, garden, or balcony.

Benefits of skipping

  • Boost heart health.
  • Reduce stress and anxiety.
  • Burns extra fat and calories.
  • Builds strength and endurance.
  • Build and maintain bone density.
  • Improves your jumps and concentration.
  • Helps to improve coordination and balance.

Steps to do skipping

  • Take a skipping rope, and hold it firmly while keeping it on the ground.
  • Keep your hands at the hip level.
  • Swing the rope by rotating your wrist.
  • Jump with both your feet at the same time.
  • Repeat the same.

To learn more, click on the video below:

3. Squats

You must perform squats if you want to improve your leg and back muscles. This exercise has different variations like frog squat, squat kickback, and squat with side leg lift, which helps you strengthen your core and upper leg muscles.

Rather than this, squats are easy to perform and do not require any equipment.

Benefits of performing squats

  • It helps to strengthen your lower body and core muscles.
  • Helps in losing weight.
  • Helps in preventing injuries.
  • Helps you to run faster and jump higher.
  • Improves flexibility and mobility.

Steps to perform squats

  • Stand straight and open your feet wide according to your shoulder’s width.
  • Bend at your knees and hips, sticking your butt out like you’re sitting down in a chair.
  • Move or squat down and keep your thighs parallel to the floor. Remember: Your knees should be stacked over your ankles. Make sure to keep them behind your toes.
  • Hold on to this position and try to keep your back straight.
  • Press into your heels and straighten your legs to return to the upright, standing position.
  • Repeat the same.

Click on the video below to learn how to do squats perfectly:

4. Box Jumps

The box jump is a low-level plyometric exercise that provides explosive strength and power to your legs. This exercise generally trains your muscles to generate explosive power. And to perform this exercise, you require a small stable box or a staircase that varies in height from a few inches to a few feet.

Benefits of performing a box jump

  • Helps to boost your power, endurance, and explosiveness.
  • Burn extra fat and calories.
  • Strengthen your legs.
  • Improves your balance.

Steps to perform a box jump

  • Take a small and stable box that is the appropriate height for your skill level and place it in front of you.
  • Stand in front of this box with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Slowly bend your knees and drop down with your arms out behind you.
  • Then jump onto the box, using the power from your legs to propel yourself upward.
  • Make a stable and balanced landing on the box and try to stand straight.
  • Then jump down from the box, landing softly on the ground.
  • Repeat the same.

To learn more about box jumps, click on the video given below:

5. Crunches

Crunches are one of the best abdominal exercises that help you build your core strength and tighten your belly. But remember, this exercise is not suitable for everyone as it can also cause stress and pain in your back and neck. So you must perform this exercise under the guidance of a professional or according to your comfort.

Benefits of performing crunches

  • Improves gut health.
  • Improves your flexibility.
  • Develops your core muscles.
  • Helps to burn extra fat and calories.
  • Helps to maintain balance and a good posture.

Steps to perform crunches

  • Lie down on the floor with your back straight.
  • Place your hands behind your head.
  • Keep your arms extended as you lift your upper body off the floor.
  • Contract your abs and inhale.
  • Exhale and lift your upper body, keeping your head and neck relaxed.
  • Inhale and return to the starting position.
  • Repeat the same.

To learn more, click on the video given below:

6. Push Ups

You must perform push-ups if you want to strengthen your triceps, forearms, pectoral muscles, and shoulders. Push-ups properly strengthen your lower back and core by engaging your abdominal muscles.

Performing this exercise requires no equipment and can be done virtually anywhere.

Benefits of performing push-ups

  • Improves upper body and core muscle strength.
  • This exercise can be performed anywhere and anytime.
  • Boost your bone density.
  • Boost metabolism.
  • Improves your posture.

Steps to perform push-ups

  • Get down on all your fours, and place your hands slightly wider than your shoulders.
  • Keep your legs and arms straight.
  • Move or lower your body unless your chest touches the floor or ground.
  • Pause for a second, and then push yourself back.
  • Repeat the same.

To learn more, click on the video given below:

7. Fast Feet

Fast-feet is one of the most effective exercises to enhance your speed and work your fast-twitch muscle fibers. This exercise also helps to strengthen your calve muscles (Gastrocnemius and soleus) and Quadriceps.

Benefits of performing fast feet 

  • Improves your speed and agility.
  • It can be performed anywhere at any time.
  • No equipment is required to perform this exercise.
  • It also increases your heart rate and gives you a great cardio workout.

Steps to perform fast feet 

  • Start by holding an athletic position by keeping your feet shoulder-width apart and your hips low.
  • Slightly bend your knees and rise onto your toes.
  • Then run in place as fast as you can by standing in the same place.
  • Also, pump your arms in time with your feet.
  • Keep running for about 30 seconds.

To learn more, click on the video given below:

8. Stretching

Stretching helps to increase the range of motion in your joints and muscles, making it easier to move quickly and efficiently on the court. It also helps increase blood flow to your muscles, improving performance by delivering oxygen and nutrients. It can help improve stamina and endurance and reduce fatigue during long matches or training sessions.

Rather than this, many stretches focus on the back and core muscles, which are important for maintaining good posture and balance on the court.

Benefits of stretching

  • Reduce stress and anxiety.
  • Improves your body posture.
  • Improves blood flow in your muscles.
  • Helps to prevent injuries on the court.
  • Improves your flexibility, balance, and agility.

Steps to do stretching

  • Before stretching, you must always do a proper warm-up.
  • After performing a warm-up, you must target a specific muscle for stretching.
  • Stretch the muscle and hold on to the position for 10-15 seconds.
  • Try not to bounce or jerk movement while performing a stretch, as it can cause an injury.
  • Repeat each stretch 2-3 times, and increase the intensity of the stretch with each repetition.

To learn more, click on the video given below:

9. Grip Changes

Grip changing is a fundamental skill that helps to reduce the time taken to move between the grips and makes the player ready and fast for his next shot.

Also, it is one of the easiest exercises that can be done anywhere, even while sitting in front of a television.

Benefits of grip changing

  • Improves grip strength.
  • Increases dexterity.
  • Allows you to perform different types of shots.
  • Allows you to cover the court easily.
  • Prevent wrist and forearm injuries.

Steps to change the grip

  • First, hold the racket with a basic grip using your thumb placed on the wider flat surface of the handle and fingers wrapped around the thinner side.
  • Then slightly switch to the backhand grip by twisting your wrist and rotating your grip.
  • Then change your grip from backhand to forehand smoothly by pointing your thumb down towards the ground and your fingers wrapped around the wider surface.
  • Gently repeat the grip exchange exercise by switching between forehand and backhand grip.

To learn more, click on the video given below:

10. Playing against the wall

The wall rally drill is a great practice for developing wrist and arm strength, control, concentration, and reflexes. While performing a wall drill, players usually use a heavy training racket to hit the shuttle against the wall. It allows their forearms to build up endurance for playing and swinging.

Rather, it helps you switch grips quickly to alternate between the forehand and the backhand. 

Benefits of playing against the wall

  • Improves your footwork.
  • Boost your strength and endurance.
  • Improves your techniques and skills.
  • Increases your speed and accuracy to receive and hit the shuttle.

Steps to play against the wall

  • Take your racket and a shuttlecock. Then find a flat and smooth wall.
  • Then begin by hitting the shuttle against the wall, such as forehand and backhand drives.
  • Use the wall to practice your footwork, moving around the court and hitting shots from different positions.
  • Once you become comfortable with the hits, try experimenting with different shots like drop shots, clears, and smashes.
  • Stay focused while hitting the shuttlecock, and try not to miss it.

To learn more, click on the video below:

Final Words

So, these were some of the best home exercises for badminton players, which are effective and can be performed anywhere and at any time easily.

Performing these exercises helps you to improve your strength, power, endurance, agility, mobility, coordination, balance, and focus. Rather than this, there are many health benefits to performing these exercises. Also, these exercises help you to stay fit and active and prevent injuries on the court.

And in case you face any problems or have any questions going on in your mind, feel free to ask us or pin them up in the comment section below.

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